Stream of Consciousness

Author's note: In this page I will be posted all of my stream of consciousness pieces. They will not be changed, so they will not have  any teacher help on them at all.


I hear all these people telling me what I can or can't do. They circle me and try to push me down. Right once I feel like I will break they leave me there to crumble. I pick myself right back up again and continue what I was doing before they try to hurt me. I get closer and closer to what I want and then they come back to bring me down. 'Not this time,' I think to myself, this time they can't hurt me I'm to close to what I want. I start to crack at the wall that is holding me back and chip away at it the closer and  closer they get to me. Soon enough they are pushing me up against the wall and I feel it starting to crumble away. I start to push against it with my hands and suddenly it falls down and I soar above all the hate, the 'you cant's', the 'you're nothing', and all the other nasty stuff they say. Once they realize that I have won and that they cannot break me I hear fewer and fewer nasty remarks until they are all gone.


I hop up and down in excitement while my grandmother takes out the sugar cookies that we had make on that late Christmas eve. I eagerly watch as she scoops them off the pan and on to a rack that helps them cool down. While every second asking when I can frost and eat them. I stand there blowing on the cookies as hard as I can until she finally says I can frost them. She quickly adds in that I can only take two at a time. I quickly grab the biggest two before my other more patient cousins walk into the kitchen to grab there own cookies. I grab all of the frosting cans and sprinkles, and head to the decorating table. I sit down and get to work.

After about 15 minutes of hard work on my cookies I stand up and look at them from all angles. Once I am glad with how they turned out I scoop up the plate and run to show everyone how perfect they are. I race around my grandmothers house until I have shown everyone how perfect the cookies are.  I then walk to the table again and bite into my cookies. A powerful flavor of mint, vanilla frosting pours onto my tongue then I taste the sugary flavor of the cookie and finally I feel the coarseness of the sprinkles and they scrape across my tongue only to be dissolved in a matter of seconds. Once I finish my cookies I drink a cup of milk to wash it all down, and then lay down on the old leather couch only to fall asleep waiting for Santa Claus.

The Prairie
Author's note: This morning Mr. Johnson told me to go to the prairie and write... So I did. This piece will be my experience at the prairie so it is a non-fiction piece, and I will be focusing on content and sentence fluency because those are two of the main problems I have while writing non-fiction pieces. This story is quite short because I was focusing on writing a really descriptive piece where you can feel, see and smell everything I was while I was there. I hope you enjoy my piece The Prairie.

I feel the sun beating down on my pale face and the cool breeze blowing through my sweatshirt. I look around at my surrounding and all I see is tall grass in front of me for what seems like miles, and beautiful flowers at my feet. I take a nice deep breathe of the fresh air and feel it healing my body as it cleans out all the bad particles from the air inside of the school building a couple hundred yards away. I walk to the center of the prairie and l let the grass try to entangle my feet to keep me from leaving. Finally I reach the center and I just lay there in the tall grass with my eyes closed and letting the sun heal me from everything bad in the world. As I lay there I try to fall asleep only to remember that I have to leave this magical place soon for my next class. When I remind myself of this it makes my stomach drop from having to think of leaving all this beauty behind for some class where I will have to stay indoors and have all of those harsh particles in the air enter my system again and kill all of the beautiful clean, healthy air I have consumed. I stand up and take in my surroundings again and let the wind whip my hair back and forth one more time before I pack up my things and head back to my classroom to finish my day in a crowded unhealthy class room. 

1 comment:

  1. I like this quite a bit. The area where it takes off for me is when you introduce the idea of healing, of letting the sun and air heal you. That is pretty cool. When we write a stream of consciousness, we really want to unearth something greater, something our conscious mind keeps hidden during our waking moments. Here, you have revealed this idea of healing, as though school is a toxic place. To tell you the truth, you are not alone in this feeling. I would recommend you explore what that means, what the ramifications are of this thought. Excellent job.
